
Steve Perlman

Steve Perlman, the founder of onlive & mova.
I guess onlive will be the hotest topic in gdc09. http://www.onlive.com/
Mova is also an interesting tech...http://www.mova.com/



c++ ini parser class

最早ini用win32 api,后来用qt的setting类,或者用ogre的时候cfg读取也很方便,现在重新回到最原始的sdk层次,感觉有必要写一个自己的ini类了。


1 #ifndef __sglib_inifile_h
2 #define __sglib_inifile_h

4 #include <map>
5 #include <string>
6 #include <iostream>

7 #include <fstream>
8 #include <algorithm>
9 #include <functional>

10 #include <sstream>
12 namespace sglib {

14 template<typename rtT>
15 rtT string_toT (const std::string & value , rtT def = 0){

16 rtT ret;
17 std::istringstream is(value);

18 is >> (rtT)ret ;
19 if( is.fail())

20 return def;
21 return ret;
22 };

24 class ini_file {
25 inline void string_trim(std::string& str, const std::string & chrs_trim = " \t\n\r", int trim_dir = 0){

26 size_t start_index = str.find_first_not_of(chrs_trim);

27 if (start_index == std::string::npos){

28 str.erase();
29 return;
30 }

31 if (trim_dir < 2)
32 str = str.substr(start_index, str.size()-start_index);

33 if (trim_dir!=1)
34 str = str.substr(0, str.find_last_not_of(chrs_trim) + 1);

35 }
36 inline void string_remove_comment(std::string & s){

37 std::basic_string <char>::size_type idx;
38 idx = s.find('#');

39 if( idx!= std::string::npos)

40 s.erase(idx);
41 idx = s.find(';');

42 if( idx!= std::string::npos)

43 s.erase(idx);
44 }
45 inline void string_simplify (std::string & str){

46 string_remove_comment(str);
47 string_trim(str);

48 }
49 //inline void trim_right(std::string& str, const std::string & chrs_trim = " \t\n\r")

50 //{
51 // trim(str, chrs_trim, 2);
52 //}

54 //inline void trim_left(std::string& str, const std::string & chrs_trim = " \t\n\r")
55 //{

56 // trim(str, chrs_trim, 1);
57 //}
58 inline void string_lower(std::string& str)

59 {
60 std::transform (str.begin(), str.end(), str.begin(), tolower);

61 }
62 inline void string_upper(std::string& str)

63 {
64 std::transform (str.begin(), str.end(), str.begin(), toupper);

65 }
67 protected:
68 std::string _file_name;

69 std::string _cur_section;
70 std::map<std::string, std::string> _content;

71 std::map<std::string, std::string> _root;

73 void add_record(const std::string & key, const std::string & value){

74 if(_cur_section == "")
75 _root[key] = value;

76 else{
77 std::string map_key = _cur_section + ":" + key;

78 _content[map_key] = value;
79 }

80 }
81 std::string _get_root_value (const std::string & key, std::string default_value){

82 std::map<std::string, std::string>::iterator f;

83 f = _root.find(key);
84 if(f == _root.end())

85 return default_value;
86 return f->second;

87 }
89 std::string _get_value (const std::string & section_key, std::string default_value){

90 std::map<std::string, std::string>::iterator f;

91 f = _content.find(section_key);
92 if(f == _content.end())

93 return default_value;
94 return f->second;

95 }
97 public:
98 ini_file(void)

99 : _file_name(""){
100 }
101 ini_file(std::string file_name)

102 : _file_name(file_name){
103 }
104 virtual ~ini_file(void){

105 }
107 public:
108 std::string get_value (const std::string & section_key){

109 if(section_key.find(':') != std::string::npos)

110 return _get_value(section_key, "");
111 return _get_root_value(section_key, "");

112 }
114 std::string get_value (const std::string & section, const std::string & key){

115 if(section == "")
116 return _get_root_value(key, "");

117 std::string map_key = section + ":" + key;

118 return _get_value(map_key, "");
119 }

121 std::string get_value (const std::string & section, const std::string & key, const std::string & default_value){

122 if(section == "")
123 return _get_root_value(key, default_value);

124 std::string map_key = section + ":" + key;

125 return _get_value(map_key, default_value);
126 }

128 int get_int (const std::string & section_key, int def = 0){

129 std::string value = get_value (section_key);

130 return string_toT<int>(value, def);
131 }

132 int get_int (const std::string & section, const std::string & key, int def = 0){

133 std::string value = get_value (section, key);

134 return string_toT<int>(value, def);
135 }

136 float get_float (const std::string & section_key, float def = 0){

137 std::string value = get_value (section_key);

138 return string_toT<float>(value, def);
139 }

140 float get_float (const std::string & section, const std::string & key, float def = 0){

141 std::string value = get_value (section, key);

142 return string_toT<float>(value, def);
143 }

144 bool get_bool (std::string section_key, bool def = false){

145 std::string value = get_value (section_key);

146 string_lower(value);
147 if(value == "true")

148 return true;
149 if(value == "false")

150 return false;
151 return def;
152 }

153 bool get_bool (const std::string & section, const std::string & key, bool def = false){

154 std::string value = get_value (section, key);

155 string_lower(value);
156 if(value == "true")

157 return true;
158 if(value == "false")

159 return false;
160 return def;
161 }

163 // set
164 void set_value(std::string key, std::string value){

165 _root[key] = value;
166 }
167 void set_value(std::string section, std::string key, std::string value){

168 if(section == "")
169 _root[key] = value;

170 else {
171 std::string map_key = section + ":" + key;

172 _content[map_key] = value;
173 }
174 }

176 public:
177 bool load (){

178 return load(_file_name);
179 }
180 bool save (){

181 return save(_file_name);
182 }
184 bool load (std::string file_name){

185 std::string s;
186 std::string key;

187 std::string value;
188 std::string cur_section;

189 std::basic_string <char>::size_type idx;

191 _file_name = file_name;
192 std::ifstream file(file_name.c_str());

193 if (!file.is_open())
194 return false;

196 _root.clear();
197 _content.clear();

198 _cur_section = "";
200 while(!std::getline(file, s).eof()) {

201 string_simplify(s);
202 if(s.empty())

203 continue;
204 if(s[0] == '[') {

205 idx = s.find(']');
206 if( idx != std::string::npos){

207 _cur_section = s.substr(1, idx-1);

208 string_simplify(_cur_section);
209 }
210 continue;

211 }
212 idx = s.find('=');

213 if(idx != std::string::npos){

214 key = s.substr (0, idx);

215 string_simplify(key);
217 value = s.substr (idx+1);

218 string_simplify(value);
220 add_record(key, value);

221 }
222 }
223 file.close();

224 return true;
225 }
227 bool save(const std::string & file_name) {

228 std::ofstream of(file_name.c_str());

229 if (!of.is_open())
230 return false;

231 std::for_each(_root.begin(), _root.end(), save_item(of));

232 std::for_each(_content.begin(), _content.end(), save_item(of));

233 of.close();
234 return true;
235 };

236 private:
237 struct save_item {
238 std::ofstream & _of;

239 std::string _section;
240 save_item(std::ofstream &of): _of(of), _section(""){}

242 void operator () (const std::pair<std::string, std::string> & a) {

243 std::string key = a.first;
244 std::string sec = a.first;

245 std::basic_string <char>::size_type idx = sec.find(':');

247 if( idx != std::string::npos){

248 key.erase(0, idx+1);
249 sec.erase(idx);

250 if(_section != sec ){
251 _section = sec;

252 if(_section != "")
253 _of << std::endl << "[" << _section << "]" << std::endl;

254 }
255 }
256 _of << key << " = " << a.second << std::endl;

257 }
258 };
259 };
261 } // sglib

262 #endif